There are many ways you can show your support for An Achievable Dream and help ensure our students are fully equipped to succeed in school and in life. From monthly donations to employer matching gifts, there’s something for everyone!
Have questions about how you can make a difference or want to donate now?
Call us at (757) 599-9472 or click here.

Sustainable Giving
- Make a monthly donation and join the Dream Club! Click here to learn more.
- Establish a multi-year pledge – Provides an ongoing connection to AAD and our students over two or more years and demonstrates your continued commitment. The setup is simple; the impact is exponential. Contact Eileen Bunn, Vice President of Advancement, at or (757) 599-9472 to set yours up today!
- Join the Founder’s Hope Circle and create a legacy of impact! Click here to learn more about the many ways you can support AAD through endowment and planned giving.
Directed Giving
- Combined Virginia Campaign (CVC) – An Achievable Dream (code 201175) participates in the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. This program allows state employees to donate to AAD through their workplace. There are numerous options for giving, including online participation and payroll deduction. Click here for more information.
- Kroger Community Rewards Program – Link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to An Achievable Dream, Inc. (organization number WJ516) and Kroger will make a quarterly donation to AAD based on a percentage of your spending. Click here to sign up today!
- Matching Gifts – Many employers offer to financially match contributions made by their employees, retirees, and/or their spouses to non-profits like AAD. If your company offers this type of program, requests are typically made through an online employee portal or by using a paper matching gift form. Once we receive the notification of your matching gift, we’ll take care of the rest! The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled!
- Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Funds – An Achievable Dream gladly accepts donations of marketable securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Please contact your broker to initiate the transfer and click here to download instructions and additional information on this method of giving.
- United Way – Do you support the United Way directly or through your company’s employee campaign? Great! Did you know you can designate AAD as the recipient of your contribution (pledge, check, or payroll deduction)? When completing your pledge card or online donation, simply write in An Achievable Dream as your designation. Members of the United Way’s Alexis de Tocqueville Society can designate as much as 50% of their Tocqueville Society support to the non-profit of their choice. An Achievable Dream Virginia Beach is a Certified Agency of the United Way of South Hampton Roads.

Community support is at the heart of An Achievable Dream’s success and fuels the futures of all of our students. We are incredibly grateful for the gifts and contributions of people like you — we simply can’t do it without you!